
APO Eagles is an association composed of alumni of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity who Have earned the rank of Eagle Scout or who support Eagle Scouts. We continue to promote the principles between Alpha Phi Omega (APO), the Boy Scouts of America (BSA), and the National Eagle Scout Association (NESA).

Our Mission

To promote Alpha Phi Omega and its principles to the Eagle Scout community

Our Leaders

our current leadership is found here

Our History

On April 15, 2015, a Facebook group was created to see who in Alpha Phi Omega were also Eagle Scouts.  In under a month, the group swelled to over 100 Brothers of the Fraternity.  Given that the Fraternity had added a “common interest” category for alumni associations at the December 2014 biennial National Convention and significant interest to form an association of Eagle Scouts was expressed, we began work.  Development of the by-laws and logos and collection of membership information occurred over the next several months.  On June 18, 2015, the association’s by-laws were ratified by a 27-1 vote and officers were elected.  The founding officers of APO Eagles are:

·         President  Howie Barnes (Iota Omega ’97, 1993 Hiawatha Council)

·         Vice President  Cory R Los Schumacher (Alpha Eta Eta ‘07, Greater Niagara Frontier Council)

·         Secretary   Dan Dixon (Iota Omega ‘03, 1998 Finger Lakes Council)

·         Treasurer    Ben Everette (Alpha Epsilon Eta ’04, Tidewater Council)

With the foundational pieces in place, we proceeded to the next phase of recognition. The application and documents were summitted to Alpha Phi Omega’s National Alumni committee, and their approval was granted July 20, 2015.  APO Eagles became the first “common interest” association recognized by the Fraternity.

APO Eagles was recognized as a NESA Affiliate Group on October 12, 2015.  APO Eagles is recognized with a front page link on NESA’s webpage, promoting the association and affiliate group. 


The 2 pins signify the association’s 2 classifications of membership. It is really quite easy. to get the gold pin meet these three requirements: Be a brother, Be an Eagle Scout, Joined by paying your registration fee. If you can meet all three the blue pin is for you! I don’t have to be an Eagle scout to join? In a sense yes, if you are a parent of an Eagle, an Eagle Scout  mentor a lifelong scouter you can join and be recognized for you you support of eagle scouts in the fraternity.

Contact Us

1462 Wayneport Rd
Macedon, NY 1450210100