Position Descriptions

Elected Positions according to by laws

Section 1. Duties of President

  • presiding over each business meeting, as well as being the authoritative representative of the association (signing documents, contracts, letters, as well as serving as primary spokesperson for the organization in public relations).
  • In addition, the president shall serve as the association’s alumni council representative.
  • The president may appoint other officers/committees with the approval of the Executive Board. The president is an ex-officio member of all committees.

Section 2. Duties of Vice President

  • Vice president shall be responsible for assuming all duties of the president, in the president’s absence, and performing other such duties as assigned by the president.
  • They will also be responsible for awards & recognition and/or the recommendation of such to the appropriate organizations.

Section 3. Duties of Secretary

  • The secretary shall be responsible for keeping an accurate written record of the proceedings of each business meeting; corresponding with alumni, chapters, the National Office, and other such persons or entities as needed.
  • In addition, the secretary shall ascertain that the meeting is conducted in accordance with parliamentary procedure, act as a historian for the organization, and install new officers following elections.
  • The secretary shall be responsible for production of any publications, including but not limited to newsletters, websites, and social media platforms.

Section 4. Duties of Treasurer

  • The treasurer shall be responsible for collecting dues and donations, disbursing funds as needed,
  • Keeping association property inventory, keeping an accurate financial record of treasury balances and transactions, submitting any required forms, including 990N to the IRS annually. The Treasurer will further be responsible for maintaining an archive of all financial contracts and agreements.
  • The treasurer will be responsible for keeping the rolls of the association current and up to date

Non-By law – Appointed positions

Awards Chair:
• Serve as Review chair if any DSK or other nominations are submitted
• promote significant awards given by APO, BSA or NESA, and nominate as appropriate
• Track any member of the association receiving a significant award given by APO, BSA or NESA

Face Book Chair
• Be the primary administrator on the Facebook group/page
• Promote news and information that may be of interest to the association using FB
• Promote APO Eagles via FB and other similar media streams
• Welcome new members of the group, invite them to formally join
• Answer inquires as needed

NST Chair
• Promote the use and existence of APO Eagle recognition programs
• Be the point person for alumni and councils to develop and to communicate wit APO
• Track the number of certificates given by a council, and when dinners are held

Fundraising chair
• Create and coordinate fundraising opportunities for the association