BSA Council Alumnus of the Year
The Boy Scouts of America Council Alumnus of the Year Award is the Scouting Alumni Association’s highest council recognition. The award was established to recognize alumni of the Boy Scouts of America who, over a sustained period of time, have used the skills and values they learned through their association with Scouting to make significant and long-lasting contributions to their local communities through their careers, avocations, and Scouting.
Nomination and Selection Process
Before a local alumnus of the year may be notified, the application must be submitted to the national office to ensure that the nomination does not exceed the council’s quota of one recipient per year. Nominations must be submitted to the Scouting Alumni Association. Submissions may be scanned and sent electronically to BSAalumni@scouting.org. Mailed submissions may be sent to P.O. Box 152079, Irving, TX 75015. The national office will review the nomination, and the nominee may be recognized upon confirmation that the council has not exceeded its quota. Self-nomination is prohibited. A maximum of one recipient may be awarded per year.
Award Presentation and Recognition
The Council Alumnus of the Year Award presentation should be conducted with the highest level of honor. Often, these individuals have lent their influence through their positions in their profession, avocation, and community to support Scouting. Each recipient should receive recognition worthy of the service rendered on Scouting’s behalf.

To recognize registered Scouters and others of exceptional character who have provided noteworthy and extraordinary service to youth This award recognizes the invaluable contributions that outstanding American men and women render to youth.
- Council – Silver Beaver
- Terrritory – Silver Antalope
- National – Silver Buffalo

Distinguished Service Award
The Distinguished Service Award (DSA) was created to honor those who Arrowmen, youth and adult, who have rendered service to the Order on a sectional, regional, or national basis. The award is presented at National Order of the Arrow Conferences. Since the time the first awards were presented, less than 1000 Distinguished Service Awards have been awarded.
The award is a sterling silver arrowhead bearing an arrow pointing up and to the wearer’s right. The award is suspended from a white neck-ribbon on which red arrows are embroidered. A white square knot embroidered on red cloth is available for uniform wear and a silver arrowhead lapel pin is available for civilian wear.

The Founders Award
The award is reserved for an Arrowman who personifies the spirit of selfless service, as advocated by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.
The award is a bronze medallion bearing the likenesses of E. Urner Goodman and Carroll A. Edson, with a wooden base and a brass plate suitable for engraving. Available for uniform wear is a gold-colored arrow suspended from a red ribbon.
Lodges may petition the national Order of the Arrow committee to present between two and four awards annually, depending on the number of members in the lodge.