Third in a series
While it is easy to refer to the age-old idea of “Money, Membership, and Manpower” that has been the charge of every District Executive in the BSA, there is actually great truth in this adage that can be used. I’ll focus on these three elements and explore each one and how each element provides an avenue of service for APO Eagles.
Manpower- This one is, by far, the most important thing that an APO Eagle can do. I’ve touched on it in Money and Membership, but Manpower is the most important aspect. Manpower makes everything else possible, and APO Eagles need to look at this as an extension of their inner charge to serve the community. Here are some quick, key areas to get involved:
- Local Alumni Association/APO Eagles Group host a Merit Badge Day
- Local Alumni Association/ APO Eagles Group host a Cub Activity Day/Join Scouting Day
- Volunteer to serve on District Committees/ Council Committees
- Local Alumni Association/ APO Eagles Group work to organize new Exploring Posts to serve older youth
- Local Alumni Association/ APO Eagles Group organize Campership Drive benefiting low-income/at risk youth
- Support local Scout Reach initiatives
- Serve on Council Alumni Committees
- Work with their local Scout Executive to serve as a Scouting Champion in the community and be a public face
- Local Alumni Association/ APO Eagles Group work with local Council to create an Eagle Scout Scholarship for Eagles heading off to college (doesn’t have to be much, maybe cover books or something).
At the end of the day, manpower is the key to making the entire Scouting movement work. Without people who are willing to support the movement and engage the community in supporting the movement, Scouting will not be successful. Without people willing to help organize and deliver program opportunities, especially to those Scouts in the Scout Reach program, Scouting will not be successful. The key thing is to get involved and become a force for good in the local community.