2023 National Convention Recap Legislative Notes:

2023 National Convention Recap Legislative Notes: Prepared by: Matt Bailey

NO2-4A-21: remove the use of “pledge” and use “new member” in all fraternity documents. Required 3/4 to pass as it includes rituals. Was NOT adopted.

NO2-2R-23: resolution directing change of “co-educational Fraternity” to “gender-inclusive Fraternity” and use of gender-inclusive language in communication. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

SYS-1R-16: sports equipment drive with APO Philippines. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

AWD-1R-24: Alumni Association of Excellence award.  Adopted as submitted by the committee.

CFO-1A-1: raise AMD from $17 to $25/semester. Adopted as submitted by committee.

CFO-2A-2: Increased initiation fee from $35 to $50. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

RIT-3A-22: change to ritual language.  Adopted as submitted by committee with minor language update.

RIT-2A-15: change to ritual language.  Adopted as submitted by the committee.

RIT-1A-14: change to ritual language.  Adopted as submitted by committee.  (I’m not being more specific for the ritual legislation as there may be non-initiated brothers in this group).

AWD-2R-XX: streamline award nomination/submission process.  Adopted as submitted by committee.

NO1-7A-19: term limits (8 as region chair, 8 as program chair) for operations council.  Heavily amended for clarity. Was NOT adopted.

NO1-5A-17: term limits (16 consecutive years) for the board of directors with excluded positions. Heavily amended by the convention for clarity.  President and VP added to list of excluded positions.  Refer to the final text. Adopted as amended.

NO1-4A-9.3: appointment of section chairs by region chairs.  Was NOT adopted.

NO1-4A-9.2: section chair term limit and unify section chair start dates. Divided motion. Term limits not adopted.  Unified start dates adopted.

NO1-4A-9.1: requiring section chair election results to be reported within 10 days. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO1-3A-8: permit regional chair elections to occur at regional business meetings outside of the national convention.  Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO1-2A-7: adds National Treasurer to BoD executive committee and changes committee makeup.  Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO1-1A-6: adds direct election of National Treasurer on the BoD. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO2-1R-11: resolution directing the board to explore other membership options. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO2-3A-13: update to NSAC apportionment process and timing. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO2-2A-4: update to section realignment process.  Adopted as submitted by the committee.

NO2-1A-4: Add qualification for electronic communications and meetings. Adopted as submitted by committee.

CFO-4A-5: move the insurance due date to March 15 and increase the max insurance fee to $10. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

CFO-3A-3: move AMD’s due date to March 15. Adopted as submitted by the committee.

CFO-5A-10: increase pledge/new member fee. Amended by convention to increase from $25 to $35 and adopted.