Convention Recap

Day 1 Day 1: Delegate dinner, opening ceremony and the ceremonial signing of the APO/Special Olympics partnership agreement Button Day 2 Legislative Session and Learning Labs Button Day 3 Special Olympics Indiana Cornhole Tournament, Alumni Day Luncheon, and Scouting and Youth Services Award Presentations Button Day 4 Celebration Banquet, Region Chair and Board of DirectorsContinue reading “Convention Recap”

2023 National Convention Recap Legislative Notes:

2023 National Convention Recap Legislative Notes: Prepared by: Matt Bailey NO2-4A-21: remove the use of “pledge” and use “new member” in all fraternity documents. Required 3/4 to pass as it includes rituals. Was NOT adopted. NO2-2R-23: resolution directing change of “co-educational Fraternity” to “gender-inclusive Fraternity” and use of gender-inclusive language in communication. Adopted as submittedContinue reading “2023 National Convention Recap Legislative Notes:”

2024-25 Board of Directors

National PresidentMelody A. MartinDelta Alpha Chapter ’97, University of Cincinnati National Vice PresidentDisraeli W. Smith II, MBA, MPPKappa Delta Chapter ‘07, Florida A. & M. University DirectorMarc’ BadyChief HR and Diversity Officer at Fresno Housing DirectorKimberlee Castillo YeeAlpha Alpha Xi Chapter ’83, University of the Pacific DirectorDr. Hilton HallockAlpha Zeta Chi Chapter ’10, New England College DirectorJennifer R. Headman,Continue reading “2024-25 Board of Directors”

Join a Delegation

National Convention Attending the National Convention will surely leave a lifelong impact on you, your friendships, and your servant leadership abilities. With all of the one-of-a-kind opportunities offered only to attendees of the National Convention, you will leave with brand new friends, skills, and memories that will stay with you for years to come… More Info Here! Dr Casey Jakubowski isContinue reading “Join a Delegation”

APO Eagles Awards DSK

Congratulations to John Conover, Jr. (Zeta Beta ‘W88), recognized on 7/22/23 with the APO Eagles Alumni Association Distinguished Service Key (DSK) at the 2023 National Scout Jamboree Alpha Phi Omega Reception held at The Summit Bechtel Reserve in West Virginia. APO Eagles is the Eagle Scout Alumni Association of Alpha Phi Omega National Service Fraternity,Continue reading “APO Eagles Awards DSK”

2023 Scholarship Recipient

Bridget L Brady | Eagle Class of 2023 | Patriot’s Path Council The Scholarship Committee is proud to announce that Bridget Brady from Patriots’ Path Council in New Jersey received our 2023 Scholarship! The APO Eagles Scholarship is made possible by donations from our members. Please give at and designate your gift to theContinue reading “2023 Scholarship Recipient”